Point of Interest Policies

Enclosed in this page you will find the various policies and practices of Point of Interest, organized for simplicity and ease of reading. This may be added to or edited as the years go on.


Regarding game choice:

As this site is a one man show, I don't have a team reviewing a wide variety of games, and my game choices are therefore influenced by some personal biases-genres that catch my eye, games friends recommended, popular and noteworthy games, et cetera, et cetera.

That also means, like all people, I occasionally get on "kicks" where I get really into a certain genre or series-these will influence my decisions too, but eventually pass.

Rest assured, however, that no matter what, I will never accept kickbacks or review copies from major companies such as Activision or Ubisoft. This site is independent and will remain that way for a very long time. 

Regarding spoilers:

All of the reviews and analysis posts posted on this blog will contain some degree of spoilers-such is necessary in order to criticize plot points, gameplay elements, and various other things. I do my best to limit them, but there are some times where they're necessary to the point. Consider yourself warned, and use your own discretion when reading.

Regarding comments:

The comment system for this site has been made intentionally strict and difficult to comment on-the reason for this is simple; the internet is chock full of perpetually online people that don't know how to behave like actual human beings. People that don't realize that if you wouldn't walk up to someone in line at the grocery store and start picking a fight, you shouldn't do it online either.

Therefore, my intent is to make it harder for people to pick fights and discourage it, as making it where commenting takes a little bit of effort and time weeds out the trolls.

Regarding archived posts:

None can deny that the internet is a breeding ground of misinformation-one of the most common sources of it, however, is old articles and posts being reposted as though they are current. On top of that, a person's views cannot be expected to stay the same forever-Knight Rider was the coolest thing in 1982, but when rewatched in the modern day, many people see it as cheesy, a tad cheap and very over the top, with some very mild racism and sexism typical to the time period.

The same applies to video games and anime like I review on this site.

To help prevent the spread of misinformation from occurring and to remind people of what I've descirbed, all posts three years or older on this site will be slapped with this notice right at the top:

When you see this notice, I encourage you to seek secondary sources after you read the post and make your own judgement with all the facts.

Regarding Sensitive Content: 

I do my best to keep this site's content hovering right around PG-13 in terms, but sometimes, with content such as Carrion and Attack on Titan, sensitive content is unavoidable. I'm trying to get better about adding proper content warnings, but occasionally I forget in a rush to meet deadlines or I don't notice it on old posts.

To attempt to amend that, here's a list of what you might occasionally see on this site:

  • Abuse, or mention of story lines about it (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual).
  • Mentions of fictional suicide, but never graphic depictions.
  • Excess gore or violence.
  • Death or dying.
  • General blood.

Regarding bias:

I will never profess to being without bias-ever. But I also won't apologize for it. I try to be nonpartisan and objective, but I'll never turn off my principles to make you feel more comfortable. To do so would be to go against the many marginalized people I have come to know in my life.

In fact, I'll make all my positions clear right here and now so there is no confusion whatsoever-

  1. Trans rights are human rights.
  2. Everyone deserves a living wage-and not just enough to scrape by, but enough for a decent life.
  3. Fascism is a loser ideology.
  4. So is white supremacy.
  5. There are no good billionaires.

Regarding anime reviews:

Every year, I do three anime reviews-the Winter season, the Spring season, and the Summer season. These come out (roughly) around these time periods-be aware, however, that these are not hard and fast dates, as life happens sometimes:

Winter Review: Spring Equinox/March 19-21

Spring Review: Summer Solstice/June 20-21

Summer Review: Autumn Equinox/September 22-23

These reviews consist both of current shows I watched that season, and older shows I binged, ensuring a good amount of content for those periods of the year.

Regarding Early Access Reviews:

Every so often, I review a game that has come out in early access-these games are often buggy, unfinished or downright messy due simply to their incomplete nature. 

With that said, if you read one of my early access reviews, I would ask that you pay close attention to the date on the byline-a game I might have reviewed negatively in beta may have gotten better on release and vice versa. Consider the context that comes from when it was posted.

Regarding "Link Rot":

One of the struggles all long running websites run into is the concept of link rot.
What is link rot, you may ask? Link rot is when hyperlinks stop pointing to where they're supposed to go, be it a file, photo, or web page. 
This happens for many reasons-it happens when a page is moved to a new domain; for example, domain.net/gundam might be changed to domain.net/category/mecha/gundam. It also happens when content quite simply ceases to exist; if a YouTube video is set to private or an Imgur account is closed, the content goes with them.

Point of Interest is no stranger to link rot-therefore, I would ask that when you see a dead link in a post, you post a short comment to let me know so that I can see if the issue can be remedied-and if there's already a comment pointing it out, don't add to the pile.

Version History:

1.0 (2/17/2021) - Initial release.

1.01 (3/27/2021) - Minor addition to anime review policies detailing the flexibility of releases.

1.05 (4/5/2021) - Addition of a section regarding the concept of link rot.

1.051 (4/28/2021) - Addition of a section regarding early access reviews. 

1.055 (6/15/2021) - Minor addition to archived post policies

2.0 (12/6/2021) - Fixed numbering in version history, addition of "Game Choice" segment.